Assoc. Prof. Simón José Suárez Cuadros, PhD. presented the project
at an international conference in Pobierowo in Poland
On 25-27 May 2023, under the auspices of the University of Szczecin, a conference entitled Języki i kultury świata w perspektywie leksykologicznej i leksykograficznej (Languages and Cultures of the World in Lexicological and Lexicographical Perspective) was held in Pobierowo, Poland, dedicated to the memory of Dr. Bożena Zinkiewicz-Tomanek. The coordinator of the Erasmus+ KA220 project for the University of Granada assoc. prof. Simón José Suárez Cuadros, PhD. gave a presentation on Русский язык и культура в аспирантуре Университета Гранады: контекст, исторический обзор и перспективы (Russian language and culture in postgraduate studies at the University of Granada: context, historical overview, and perspectives), in the framework of which he presented our project entitled The innovation of the concept and curriculum of doctoral study programs and increasing their effectiveness (No. 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000022917).
The University of Granada colleagues presented the Innovation PhD project at the Barcelona Congress
The members of the Innovation PhD international Erasmus+ project KA220 (number 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000022917) of the University of Granada presented on February 17 at the AEPRU Congress (Spanish Association of Russian Language Professionals) that is held annually, the results of the first phase of the Project in which they participate together with the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius of Trnava and the Masaryk University of Brno. Professors Simón J. Suárez Cuadros, Benami Barros, and Irina Votyakova opened the second day of work with a conference entitled "Russian language and culture in postgraduate teaching at the University of Granada: context, historical review and perspectives".