Among the most successful grants, in which the department participated, are:
Project type:the grant was supported by the UCM Research Support Fund
Project number: FPPV-36-2018
Name of the project: The perception of meta metaphorism / meta realism in the European context
Duration: 2018
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Andrea Grominová, PhD.
Project type: KEGA
Project number: 013UCM-4/2017
Name of the project: Defining the specifics of the "Russian world" model in Russian language, literature and culture
Duration: 2017–2019
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Josef Dohnal, CSc.
Project type: Университет "Проф. д-р Асен Златаров" – Бургас, Научно-изследователски сектор, Научна и художествено-творческа дейност
Project number: Zmluva č. НИХ – 379/2016 г. от 27.05.2016 г.
Name of the project: Media. Language. Society: problems and perspectives
Duration: 2016–2017
Project leader: prof. Mariyana Parzulova-Baeva, DrSc.
Project type: the grant was supported by the UCM Research Support Fund
Project number: FPPV-21-2017
Name of the project: The Artistic Model of the World in Russian Metarealism Poetry
Duration: 2017
Project leader: PhDr. Andrea Grominová, PhD.
Project type: KEGA
Project number: 025UCM-4/2014
Name of the project: Increasing the Effectiveness of the Educational Process in the Russian-Slovak Comparison
Duration: 2014–2016
Project leaders: prof. Elena Markova, DrSc., doc. PhDr. Tatjana Grigorjanová, CSc.
Project type: VEGA
Project number: 1/0424/13
Name of the project: The Main Trends in the Development of Lexicology of Contemporary Literary Slavonic languages (on Russian and Slovak language)
Duration: 2013-2015
Team: doc. PhDr. Tatjana Grigorjanová, CSc., prof. Elena Markova, DrSc.
Project type: VEGA
Project number: 2/3152/23 A
Name of the project: Slovak-Russian Dictionary I
Duration: 2003-2005
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Tatjana Grigorjanová, CSc.
Project type: VEGA
Project number: 1/4742/07
Name of the project: Slovak-Russian Dictionary II
Duration: 2006–2009
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Tatjana Grigorjanová, CSc.
Team: doc. PhDr. Liliana Belovičová, CSc., PaedDr. Lenka Čokinová
Project type: VEGA
Project number: 1/2240/05
Name of the project: Russian-Slovak Cultural Contacts
Duration: 2005-2007
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Anna Pavlásková, CSc.
Another member of the team: doc. PhDr. Tatjana Grigorjanová, CSc.
Project type: VEGA
Project number: 1/4741/07
Name of the project: Tetraevangelium Hanigoviensis
Duration: 2007-2009
Project leader: prof. PhDr. Pavel Šima, CSc.
Project type: KEGA
Project number: 3/5141/07
Name of the project: Theoretical and Educational Transformation of Russian Education in Bachelor´s and Master´s Degrees
Duration: 2007-2009
Team: prof. PhDr. Pavel Šima, CSc., doc. PhDr. Tatjana Grigorjanová, CSc.