Full-time study

The following full-time study programs are offered:

Russian Language and Culture in Professional Communication: Bachelor's (Bc.), Master's (Mgr.), and Doctoral (PhD.) degrees provide students with a theoretical understanding of the system and functioning of phonetics and phonology, morphology, lexicology, syntax, and stylistics, as well as knowledge from the theory and practice of translation and interpretation. Graduates can work as specialists in the business and cultural spheres, in the public sector, and for various international companies, translation and interpreting agencies, or specialized fields of communication, such as the economy, business administration, tourism, and business and financial law.

Russian Language and another subject for teaching purposes: The Bachelor's (Bc.) and Master's (Mgr.) degrees in this program prepare students to teach in lower and higher secondary education. Graduates can find employment as teachers at various levels of education, as cultural workers, in the public sector, on editorial staff, in private financial institutions, or in translation agencies, among others.

Length of Full-Time Studies: Full-time Bachelor studies are typically three years in length, Master's degrees are two years, and Doctoral degrees are three years.

Further Study Options: After completing five years of study, students may choose to continue in post-graduate study and earn a PhDr. (Doctor of Philosophy) or PaedDr. (Doctor of Pedagogy) degree.

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  • Department of Russian Studies
  • Faculty of Arts of UCM, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
  • Námestie J. Herdu 2
  • 917 01  Trnava,  Slovak Republic
  • e-mail: martina.drgonova(zav.)ucm.sk
  • phone: +421 33 5565 221
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